"Personalized voicemail"

When personalizing voicemails or answering machines to answer calls during absence, a lot of people record audio messages with information about the telephonee and/or the reason of their absence. After playing this audio recording the caller can leave a message. The audio recordings on voicemails or answering machines often contain music or in business also elements of the company's audio CI (short for audio corporate identity).

Go to the menu on the left hand side and click on your preferred music category to find the ideal Royalty-free music track for your personal audio message. If you prefer a voice actor please click on voice actor, choose the one you like and get in contact. We will then create your personal Royalty-free phone loop for you.

Please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or e-mail. Tel: 0049 (0) 331-9676730.

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