"Background music"

Background music is music used for the background of TV, cinema, documentary or corporate movies, on radio shows or audio plays, or used for marketing purposes in the background of fair stands and company presentations. It is used to add a certain atmosphere to the according medium or to enhance emotions conveyed by this medium. The term speaks for itself - it is music played in the background and aims to underline a certain mood. It is therefore recommendable that background music is subtle and unobtrusive to avoid withdrawing attention from the actual medium.

In product advertising it is used to convey the brand message in a subliminal way to induce a certain feeling among the customers and influence the association customers have with this brand or product. You are in the right place if you are looking for Royalty-free background music.

All productions are 100% Royalty-free and don't belong to any collecting society (such as GEMA, Suisa or AKM).

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